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Showing posts from November, 2019

Crisis Communication Conversation with Chris Nelson

The opportunity to hear Mr. Nelson speak was a great experience. He spoke about the many different parts and how to organize a crisis as best as possible. There were many different things I enjoyed about his speech. The first thing that I enjoyed was his description of how often crises occur. He explained it saying,  "If you look at any company in 5 years, you have an 80% chance of seeing a crisis and that crisis will be from dropping 20% in the stocks or their shares." - Chris Nelson  I do believe that this can be true for every and any company you look at. Many people think that a crisis has the same characteristic of being very visual and what a typical crisis can look like. Whereas sometimes, it isn't always visible to an audience or making national news. Most everyone has a crisis within a span of 5 years.  The second concept that I enjoyed was that actions mean more than words. "A company doing the right thing means more than a company trying to say th...

How to train for a half marathon

There are many ways that you can start your journey of training for a half marathon. When my sister, dad and I began to look at the different resources to use, we decided that seeking a trainer was the best option. When we were looking for trainers around us, we knew of a family friend that was more specifically an endurance trainer and that’s what we needed to build upon. We had monthly checked in’s at the beginning of our training to strengthen our muscles. At that time, as well, we were running small amounts to build up our distance. After the first couple of months, we stopped the lifting portion of the training and gradually built up our mileage. This was not an easy thing to do. There were many times where we did not want to run and the runs that we were completing never seemed to end. Any runner who has run a half marathon or even a full will tell you the first time you train it will be a game against your mind telling yourself that you can not run 6 miles, for example. Once w...

The Tundra

Winter is around the corner! Who knew that reports of snow would be coming so soon. There were many reports over the weekend that Ada is supposed to get snow on Monday, Sept. 11, 2019. The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Weather Advisory till Tuesday at 4 a.m. Many different polar bears on campus love the snow and many polar bears dread winter because of the Tundra. The Tundra is something that is known by all faculty, students and alumni. It is a main walkway between multiple dorms and academic buildings on campus. With buildings being on both sides, the wind whips through the Tundra and creates a colder atmosphere than many other parts of the university. I love watching the snowfall, but I am not a huge fan walking in it. With winter around the corner, the goal is to stay as warm as possible when it is necessary to go outside. The upperclassmen students are routine in how to keep warm and the best tactics to use. To all the freshman, my advice is don’t forget your ha...

AP Writing Style

I will be the first person to admit, sometimes AP Writing and the style of it throws me off. Let’s say I’m learning how to be a better AP writer. AP is used in many different areas and can often be used in public relations and social media. If you are like me and want some helpful tips that I have found, keep reading. AP has many specific unique writing ideas and the few I am going to mention may help anyone and everyone. The tool that I use in my class is the Online AP Style Textbook. Another option is Purdue OWL. It is free and can help with any writing styles. Purdue OWL is a great tool to use when looking up specifics of AP format. In the section titled, AP Style, Purdue OWL gives many helpful tools and here are a few on AP style writing “ For dates and years, use figures. Do not use  st, nd, rd,  or  th  with dates, and use Arabic figures. Always capitalize months. Spell out the month unless it is used with a date. When used with a date, abbreviate only the ...

Tips for Personal Social Media Users

This week we had an assignment that involved Pinterest. For this assignment, we had to pin 10 posts on the topic of social media measurement. From there, we had to pick 3 concepts that included both information from our posts and incorporate it with what we have learned in both of our books. There were many pins that looked interesting to me and stood out for their own qualities. I personally have always used Pinterest in a personal way as a high schooler. In high school, it was looking up prom hairstyles or recipes to try with friends, fun crafts, or football theme ideas, Pinterest had everything we needed. I had not realized until this assignment; Pinterest can also be professional and have many articles that help not only social media measurement but many other jobs. One of the materials I found interesting and can be used for anyone using social media. In the article titled,  Bad Social Media Habits You Need To Stop,  the author highlights the bad habits that are seen by...

Support ONU Arts!!

Have you seen an Ohio Northern Production yet this school year? Support ONU’s local arts by attending performances. The ticket price for students is $5 and general admission is $20. Upcoming performances are as follows: The ONU Holiday Spectacular: “Bring the entire family to celebrate the season with the beloved ONU Holiday Spectacular, an annual family tradition for 25 years!” Ada - Nov. 21-23 2019, 7:30 P.M. Nov. 23 2019, 2 p.m.   Lima - Dec. 6 and 7 2019, 7:30 P.M. Dec. 7 and 8 2019, 2 p.m. Loot: “ Uproarious slapstick meets dubious morals as two young friends stash the proceeds of a bank robbery in an occupied coffin in an attempt to hide their spoils from the attentions of a psychopathic policeman, a gold-diffing nurse and a grieving widower, Winner of London’s Evening Standard Best Play Award, Joe Orton’s Loot is a pitch-black, dizzying farce that is sure to hit the spot. Warning: Loot’s crazy antics may not be suitable for the young or weak of heart. ...

FDA Approves Trikafta for Cystic Fibrosis Patients!

Fantastic news came from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in recent weeks! A medication created by Vertex Pharmaceuticals called Trikafta was approved through the FDA 5 months ahead of schedule for Cystic Fibrosis (CF). The news of this drug impacts 90% of the cf community. Trikafta is not like anything that has been produced before. "Trikafta is (elexacaftor/ivacaftor/tezacaftor), the first triple combination therapy available to treat patients with the most common cystic fibrosis mutation." "Cystic fibrosis is caused by a defective protein that results from mutations in the CFTR gene. While there are approximately 2,000 known mutations of the CFTR gene, the most common mutation is the F508del mutation." "Trikafta is a combination of three drugs that target the defective CFTR protein. It helps the protein made by the CFTR gene mutation function more effectively. " Trikafta is not a cure, but it will help make the symptoms and treatments mo...