Wednesday, October 13 2021, every user of Snapchat, the social media app, woke up to the platform not working. Users complained they were unable to send or receive photos or texts. In one day, their stock went down 0.70. The Snapchat Support posted on Twitter to notify the audience, saying, "We're aware that some Snap chatters are having issues using the app right now - hang tight, we're looking into it!" Later the same Twitter account tweeted, "The issue has been fixed! If you're still having trouble, please let us know. Happy Snapping!"
With Snapchat down, this adds
to the list of social media that have been having issues within the last two
weeks. Facebook, Instagram and What's app had an issue where users were unable
to post on their feed or story and the platforms were not updating for
In my marketing class, we
were discussing how companies heavily rely on social media marketing and when
these platforms crash, it can lead to a stall of information being forced on
In an article from NPR
NPR talks about how companies
use social media platforms exclusively saying
"The Facebook outage lasted nearly an entire working day,
leaving some businesses rattled and online habits frustrated. Many people use
Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp to share photos and videos with their family
and friends, but many companies see the platforms as a primary tool, using them
to advertise, connect with customers and sell products and services.
Christopher Sumner, the owner
of Lowcountry Overstock, a small clothing store based in South Carolina, says
that while Monday's outage didn't severely impact sales, his main concern was
losing touch with customers. "We've had long periods when we've been
locked out of Facebook completely, but our main concern was customer relations
and not being able to communicate with customers," Sumner told NPR.
Sumner said they regularly
make sales on Facebook Marketplace, the website's e-commerce platform. Despite Monday's
disruption, Sumner says the recent outage isn't enough to make him take his
business entirely off Facebook.
"While yes, there's been
a few operational problems from the beginning with Facebook Marketplace, we
wouldn't move our entire business or any portion of it, just because the sales
are so good," Sumner said."
This example is great to
remind yourself and your companies not to rely solely on social media.
Do you think society has
relied too much on social media? Did your Snapchat crash yesterday?
My Snapchat did crash yesterday, I almost didn't notice until one of my friends texted me about it. I do think the recent outages has given a huge wake-up call to businesses who only use social media as their means of business and communication. Hopefully this was a learning experience for all!